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Would you like photos taken of your leessons at Lagoballo clinics?


This package ensures you get dedicated time having photos taken of your lesson(s) - whether this be for individual private lesson(s) or lessons throughout a clinic (usually 4 lessons across 2 days).


You will get access to full HD, edited photos after the event (via a supplied link to download the photos you).


Licensing options (i.e. copyright handling):

  1. If you would like to be able to use the photos without restriction and without the Lagoballo watermark (copyright) - select "Free Use"
  2. If you are happy with the watermark, but understand you are restricted to copyright laws (and the watermark remains) - select "Watermarked"


These images are copyrighted, so they will come with the Lagoballo watermark on the bottom right hand corner of the image. This means you cannot remove/crop out the watermark when using them on digital or physical mediums (i.e. Facebook or print outs etc.), and you will be in breach of the Copyright Act 1968 (Australia). Unless you select the "Free Use" option.

Photography Package

PriceFrom $30.00
GST Included
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