The agistment (and fees) include...
$20 per horse/day
(payment of membership plans will be your choice of either fortnightly or monthly)
60m x 30m outdoor fenced, irrigated and remote-controlled solar LED flood-lit arena
(jumps and Working Equitation obstacles are available)
Allocated paddocks with solar energised electric fencing and shelter
Daily checks on your horse
(morning and evening)
Auto water troughs to each paddock
(with Trough Rocks to keep clean - these will be replaced every 4 months with a full clean due upon replacement)
Regular scheduled weed spraying
(completed during paddock rotations)
Paddock resting/rotation
Large modular day/overnight yards
(if required for such things as medical handling/pre-outings)
Regular scheduled manure collection from your allocated paddock
Slashing/mowing of paddocks
Allocated feed & tack storage
(with security cameras)
Hot and cold wash bay
On-site bathroom
Float parking
(tea, coffee & water)
Private online members area (including groups) for managing your plans, bookings/events, what's on, communication, support and shenanigans
Private use of speaker system
(to play music over speakers during the hours of 9am to 7pm)
Use of all equestrian facilities
(outside of booked clinics/events)
On-going facility improvements
Additional services, at additional costs...
Extra feeding
(whether this is hay or hard feed... supplements and/or hay supplied by owner)
Horse exercise
Horse grooming
Horse "day spa" treatments
(i.e. varying levels of washing/finishing)
Additional manure picking of your paddocks
Horse worming
Tack cleaning
Farrier services
(and handling of horse if you are unavailable)
Hire of speaker (for any events you organise), Ceecoach and Pivo systems
Soft drinks/juice in kitchenette fridge
If you need to go away, we are here to help look after your fur babies
(have a chat to us and book in the services you'd like)
Please reach out if you have any questions! We look forward to chatting with you soon.